
Showing posts from October, 2024

Young Millennial? Old Zoomer? idk but I'm broke either way.

 Hey! My therapist and I have been talking about journaling for weeks and every time I take a stab it quickly unravels into an unhinged brain dump that tbh is making me feel more unstable with each attempt. That's why I am going to funnel all my anxiety, dread, and vengeful energy into this blog about personal finance that no one will read. It's putting words on paper, albeit digital paper so next time we meet I won't have to lie to her about completing my weekly journal homework.  Why personal finance? IDK, it's my flavor of neurodivergence. I have worked as a stockbroker for two of the largest financial institutions in the country. Instead, of interesting and enjoyable fiction novels my bookshelf is riddled with shit finance books and lame self-help books with an edgy title so you know the author is cool.  I was born in the mid-nineties and for much of the last 5 years have been cherry-picking the things I want to relate to millennials and Zoomers alike and building m