Young Millennial? Old Zoomer? idk but I'm broke either way.


My therapist and I have been talking about journaling for weeks and every time I take a stab it quickly unravels into an unhinged brain dump that tbh is making me feel more unstable with each attempt. That's why I am going to funnel all my anxiety, dread, and vengeful energy into this blog about personal finance that no one will read. It's putting words on paper, albeit digital paper so next time we meet I won't have to lie to her about completing my weekly journal homework. 

Why personal finance? IDK, it's my flavor of neurodivergence. I have worked as a stockbroker for two of the largest financial institutions in the country. Instead, of interesting and enjoyable fiction novels my bookshelf is riddled with shit finance books and lame self-help books with an edgy title so you know the author is cool. 

I was born in the mid-nineties and for much of the last 5 years have been cherry-picking the things I want to relate to millennials and Zoomers alike and building my post-college personality around them. I think the personal finance space has really changed over the last few years and I credit some great people like Mr. Money Mustache for shifting it away from stuffy lessons handed down from dudes that look like leather and smell like baby powder to something more relatable and with some profanity mixed in and I fucking like that. I still feel like there is this huge gap however, everyone on YouTube or writing a book owns 75 rental properties or has a million dollars liquid in the bank for some sick crypto play and I don't. I am just a painfully average person, physically, mentally, socially, economically. My networth can probably be easily measured in Starbucks drinks at this point. If there is anywhere I am above average it is in my fear of uncertainty and the unknown. I thought this was just me being a "planner." Turns out I am just scared of shit that I can't control. This has led me to seek out so much information and content to try and plan all my fears away. 

So I want to share what I have been hoarding in my screenshots album, my bookshelf, and never-been-closed chrome tabs and hopefully, someone like me finds this and thinks, "Ha fuck this guy, but that thing he shared is kinda helpful." 

I think this blog is going to be made up of three consistent post types: 1. Going to highlight some lessons I've learned from popular finance books so you don't have to buy them and suffer through them. 2. Sharing things in my financial journey and tools and resources I use. I'll probably shit-talk some banks and whatnot, but you know fuck Wells Fargo. 3. Probably some unhinged stuff. 

I hope someone reads this. I'll actually find that so wild. I'll share what I think to be good info and hopefully come to terms with why my mom hit me along the way. The next post will cover some stuff I learned in one of the GOAT personal finance books Rich Dad Poor Dad by the Hawaiian Donald Trump, Robert Kowiskai. I'll share how I've actually used it and how its framed some of my decision-making. 


  1. Just wanted to let you know at least one random internet person read your post. Good luck with the personal finance stuff, ur not alone in the mess of being "painfully average".


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